
Vancouver Intensive Supervision Unit

Watari’s Vancouver Intensive Supervision Unit works with members of the community struggling with chaotic thinking, homelessness, and social isolation who are often caught up in the court system due to their mental health and substance abuse issues.

The Vancouver Intensive Supervision Unit provides for the effective administration of court orders and assertive case management for adults with mental health issues serving sentences within an integrated framework comprised of: Corrections Branch, Vancouver Coastal Health Authority, and our Watari employee.
The goal of this partnership is to enhance community safety and reduce re-offending and admissions to hospitals and psychiatric institutions. The following principles serve as guidelines for the program:
  1. the protection of the public;
  2. the best interests of the offender, and;
  3. the effective, consistent management of offenders within the justice system and community mental health system
Watari works with VISU to provide an outreach worker who specializes in mental health and addiction. This position works with clients of VISU and as part of of the integrated case management team comprised of: probation officers, occupational therapists, social workers, and nurses.
Facing problems and challenging obstacles in life, woman in hooded winter jacket in front of the wall
The integrated case management team at VISU provides services to sentenced offenders with psychiatric diagnoses in the Vancouver area, with a mandate to facilitate the transition of offenders to appropriate treatment and resources in the community.
The team focuses on providing assistance with basic living essentials including housing, financial management, and health care services. Accompaniment to appointments is also provided, including mental health teams, forensic outpatient services, income assistance, court appearances, and much more.
VISU staff collaborates with an extensive network of community resources to support and assist clients in accessing services and treatment. This project is viewed as a positive and effective example of integrated practice at work and Watari is pleased to be a partner in it.
Referrals to the program come from a myriad of places including probation, forensics, housing providers, health clinics, and outreach teams.
For more information about this program, please call Watari’s Senior Director Heather Scarff at:
+1 (778) 988-4923
or email her at: heather@WATARI.ca